ಭಾನುವಾರ, ಫೆಬ್ರವರಿ 21, 2016

Yin and yang are connected through 


Together they express the great void at peace with itself. The dance of shiva is a perfect tango of dynamic balance. If the restraining equilibrium is lost, the universe will spin out of control. 

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it just changes form between two opposites.

Colours exist only in our consciousness. Animals cannot see color,the way humans do. The electromagnetic wave spectrum is colourless.

The elephant passes the mirror test, that is why they find a place in Hindu temples. Among other animals a handful like chimps, bonobos etc pass the mirror test partially. 

6000 years ago, when Arjun looked into the reflection of the revolving in water golden fish overhead and shot his arrow into the ruby eye-it was a test of consciousness cum skill. 

Computers can play chess, but they are NOT conscious. No computer can laugh at a joke or tell the moral of a story –like—haste is waste   .

Self realization is called , opening the third eye of Shiva, and is the ultimate goal of consciousness. After this you can go on either side of the 5 narrow human bands on senses, and the limitations of space time.
A vedic maharshi with 12 strand DNA and a king sized pineal gland can do miracles, like converting energy to matter , telepathy, reading aakashik records etc..  They could speed uptheir chakras with a shiva lingam.
You and me have 97% junk 2 strand DNA and a calcified shrivelled and small pineal gland. The Shiva lingam raises your consciousness. 

The shiva lingam is the pineal gland of Shiva. 

The physical shape is an ellipse or an egg. The cosmos is an ellipse. Your body halo is egg shaped.
The pineal gland produces Pinoline, ( 6-methoxy-tetra-dydro-beta carboline, or 6-MeO-THBC). Pinoline also resonates with the very pulse of life 7.83 Hertz, the pulse the DNA uses to replicate, and which has been measured to be emitted from the brains and hands of all successful healers.
Resonance can vibrate the pineal gland, to release Nuerotransmitter seratonin, melatonin, DMT, etc. If you have a strong enough sense of consciousness you will taste a huge pituitary release in the back of your mouth and sinuses and throat, it is referred to as ambrosia ( amrit -- mental orgasm discharge).

The MMMMM humming sound of OM Hindu king mantra, boosts the production of Nitric oxide in the human body. The lifted version of AMEN does nothing!
 This is a result of DMT production . DMT is the spirit molecule that bends space-time. Pineal  DMT is the chemical messenger which links body and spirit.  You cant observe the quantum world without your Pineal gland -- the other 5 senses have too narrow bandwidths  .

Electricity and gravitation are macroscopic properties that are caused by microscopic properties of the constituents. Consciousness is the macroscopic property of our brains that is caused by a microscopic property of its constituents. Quantum physics and Consciousness are deeply connected
The brain is governed by the laws of quantum physics rather than the laws of biology or neurophysiology. Consciousness is created by quantum mechanical phenomenon that takes place in brain cells 
Our bodies are piezo-electric bio-crystals, resonant transducers of living light and life force. We have unlimited access to the radiant field of consciousness which is infinite active universal intelligence.
We all have direct and immediate access to the scalar field of consciousness A visible attribute of consciousness is an energetic field that governs the shaping of organisms. Morphogenesis is a scientific term to explain this very shaping of tissues, organs, and entire organisms 
Consciousness is the creative force of the entire universe. 

The entire universe is in fact a single living conscious organism with complete awareness of itself. The level of consciousness in you depends on the amount of energy it is capable of storing.
 All atoms in the entire universe are capable of mind reading and communicating with other atoms. 

There is a consciousness in every molecule of matter.

The Linga is shaped like an egg, and represents the 'Brahmanda' or the cosmic egg. There is a mysterious or indescribable power or 'Shakti' in the Linga, to induce concentration of the mind, and helps focus one's attention.

There are two types of Shiva lingams. One is a black meteorite, which is heavier than iron. Where ever the Hindus found a black meteorite egg shaped stone they built a temple around it. The black stone on the SE corner of Mecca kaaba , installed 5 feet above the ground was a Shiva lingam in a Shiva temple at Mecca .

Eight months ago,  NASA declared that DNA building blocks rain down via black meteorites as star dust . This means Shiva lingam contains the SEED ( allegory for semen )


Vedanta talks about the energenetic connection between the Galactic centre ( Bindu of Sri Yantra ) and the DNA molecule Intelligent waves of core energy are called SOMVARTA as per Vedas, are responsible for the spontaneous evolution of species. ( Darwin will disagree  ).

They have survived in harsh conditions of outer space. They are self directing and self organising. These spore cells would be unlike anything else found on earth. When bombarded with light they will shine like the stars in the milky way.
When the time is right, ( after 21st Dec 2012 ) the star dust DNA from outer cosmos will be energised by scalar waves and the cells will emerge to give new life forms plant and animal

Cells and DNA communicate through frequencies. DNA holds the memory of our perfect forms.

The primary function of DNA is NOT protein synthesis, as contented by biologists, but the transfer and reception of electromagnetic energy.  Life is fundamentally electromagnetic than biochemical, the DNA blueprint functioning as a biohologram which serves as a guiding matrix for organizing physical form.

In the Vedas written in 5000 BC, Marthanda is the physically deformed cast away son of Nebula, Aditi. Aditi is the mother of all mothers. It is actually a huge energized mass of rock which revolves round the sun every 12500 years and at perigee causes lot of disturbances on planet earth.
In the Rig Veda written in 5000 BC , Aditi is mentioned more than 80 times. Aditi is devamatri (mother of the gods) as from and in her cosmic matrix all the heavenly bodies were born. The line in the Rig-Veda: "Daksha sprang from Aditi and Aditi from Daksha" has reference to "the eternal cyclic re-birth of the same divine Essence" (SD 2:247n). 
In one of its most mystic aspects Aditi is divine wisdom or consciousness. Aditi cast away her 8th son Marthanda as he was mis shapen---- Rig Veda Mandala10-Sukta-72(10-72). 

Above is the 3100 years old Marthanda temple at Kashmir- destroyed by Muslims.
People with activated pineal glands having gold auras 528 Hz can do DNA repair and time reversal of cells by scalar energy. Jesus Christ was in Kerala for 3 years learning scalar ebergy healing and medicine.  528 hertz produced by binaural beats can do DNA repair. Evolved Maharshis with 12 strand DNA with Golden auras can also do it.
The ancient Vedic sages did NOT have junk DNA. DNA as harmonic oscillator for communications. Exposure to DNA wave information from living seeds encoded on radio waves can energise dead seeds killed by radioactivity.
Water registers precise molecular information about the world around it, and that is extremely sensitive to these frequencies coming into it.Water remembers, or stores this information, and that it can transport this into new environments These black stones resonate 12 strand DNA and large pineal glands, which gives psychic powers and allows you to become a medium or channel.

With a raised Kundalini you are in a fractal world. Your mind becomes fractal. You see colours, sounds ,as fractals. Your feelings are fractals. You see complex mathematics as fractals.

After the Templar knights raised their Kundalini using a Parad Shiva Lingam they had NO use for the Pope.
Scalar waves emitted Maharishis with NIL junk 12 strand DNA from such DNA travels faster than light, without losing strength through any medium. A scalar wave is far different from a regular wave in that a scalar wave goes in all directions into the surroundings. A vector quantity has magnitude and direction while a scalar quantity has only magnitude.

 Scalar waves are very different from electromagnetic waves. They can travel over immense distances with no loss of energy at super-luminal speed ( faster than light! ). Scalar waves pervade all matter and cannot be shielded against by Faraday cages. Reiki healing waves pass through the earth.

Scalar waves are the point of intersection where matter and consciousness can influence each other

All chakras are spiral energy. All energy is a spiral , rather a vortex--there is nothing called a wave , you see in physics books.

The mysterious Spiral is a uniting symbol for all the subjects, cosmology, quantum physics, psychology, philosophy, ancient civilisations, megalithic cultures and all occult belief systems.
Our enchanted world is in full forward flow. It must. It was never designed to stand still and sink into chaos and atrophy.
The other type of Shiva lingamis man made and is solidified mercury. Solidifying mercury is an ancient Vedic science. ‘Dharnidhar Samhita’ has given sixteen steps through which the liquid mercury has to pass to make it pure & beneficial. Then mercury can be molded into any solid form.
A number of vedic references point out to the holistic benefits of Parad Shivalinga. ‘Shivnirnaya ratnakara’ states that there’s no better Shiva-linga ever made than the one made out of mercury. In ‘Sarvadarshana Sangraha’, Lord Shiva says to Goddess Parvati that anyone who worships the Linga made out of solid mercury will face no death, disease or dearth.
The parad shiva lingam once attuned and stored with energy can activate all your 7 chakras, which are spiral vortex of energy.

The text Ras Maartand says about this Shivaling -

Ling Koti Sahastrasya Yatfalam Samyagarchanaat, Tatfal Kotigunnit Raslingaarchanaad Bhavet, Brahma-hatyaa Sahastraanni Gohatyaa Shataani Cha !
Tatshannaadwilayam Yaanti Raslingasya Darshanaat, Sparshnaapraapyate Muktiriti Satyam Shivoditam !!

Translation: A million times more fruitful is worshipping a Parad Shivaling than worshipping a thousand Shivalings. Just looking at a Parad Shivaling neutralises the effect of sin of killing a thousand Brahmins and cows

The text Rasaarnnav Tantra states-

Dharmaarthkaam-mokshaakhyaa Purushaarthashchaturvidhaa !
Sidhyanti Naatra Sandeh Rasraaj Prasaadatah !!

Translation: A person who worships a Parad Shivaling just once in his life surely gains Dharma (righteousness), Arth (wealth), Kaam (pleasures) and Moksh (spiritual progress).

The text Brahmaveivart Puraann states -

Pachyate Kaalsootrann Yaavachandradivaakari. Kritvaaling Sakrit Poojya Vasetkalpashatam Divi !
Prajaavaan Bhoomivaan Vidwaan Putra-baandhavvaanastathaa. Gyaanvaan Muktivaan Saadhuras Lingaarchanaad Bhavet !!

Translation: One enjoys all comforts in life and attains wealth, fame, position, respect, sons, grandsons, high education and prosperity if one worships a Parad Shivaling just once in one’s life time. And such a person surely reaches a high position in life.

The text Vaayveeya Samhita states -

Aayuraarogyameishvarya Yachchaanyadapi Vaanchhitam !
Raslingaarchanaadishtam Sarvatam Labhate Narah !!

Translation: Longevity, good health, prosperity and all desired achievements can be had through the worship of Parad Shivaling 

The Parad Shiva Lingam contains no other metal except Mercury. It can be made to powder by crushing and as well can be turned in to the Pure Mercury form by heating to the very high temperature comply with the Parad Sanmhita.

When mercury is stabilized, its waves solidify. This process causes effect on the mind. If one meditates beside a parad Shivalinga, the mind naturally gets concentrated. Therefore, a solidified form of mercury is of great significance because it is extremely helpful in concentrating the mind 
There is a scalar wave enhanced and charged solid mercury Shiva lingam at a temple 30kms from Coimbatore ,India.
Dhyanalinga temple was consecrated using prana prathista by Sadguru Jaggi Vasudev, a mystic. The Dhyanalinga Yogic Temple offers a meditative space and is dedicated for meditation. My wife wants to go there and see the effects for herself. 
The Templar knights has retrieved a Mercury Shiva lingam from a vault under King Solomon’s temple at Jerusalem, given to him by the Calicut king via Queen Sheba .

Increased heart field and EMF of the nervous system during the peak kundalini, acts like a biological synchrotron to actually change certain elements in the central nervous system into their high spin monatomic state. Scalar waves encode the information of space and time into a timeless, spaceless quantum shorthand of interference patterns.
 Kundalini has the effect of stimulating an increased flow of ions upping the body’s dipole and increasing the EMF5% of our nervous system is composed of monatomic elements. Over 5% of the brain tissue by dry matter weight is Rhodium and Iridium. During heightened activation the body can transmute certain palladium group elements such as Iridium and Rhodium into their high spin state by adding energy in the form of photons to the atoms   

It is through this high spin atomic nervous system that we achieve cosmic consciousness, Buddha mind and all ESP and spiritual phenomena. . As per 7000 year old Vedas , intelligent waves called SOMVARTA are responsible for spontaneous evolution of species.

Shiva Lingam represents the totality of the cosmos and the cosmos in turn being represented as a Cosmic Egg - Brahmanda - again an Egg is a ellipsoid depiction with no beginning nor end - both literally and figuratively   .
Amrit reveals the fractal nature of consciousness . Amrit is NOT external, it is produced inside your head. All you need to know is how to produce it by your own mind. This self realisation (of opening the third eye) , is the ultimate goal of consciousness.

Click on the video link above.

Above is a Shiva Lingamhidden in the vaults of Vatican. St Peter's church was built on top of a ancient PAGAN Shiva temple.

Above is a Shiva lingam at the Elephanta caves off Mumbai. Each and every statue ( 2000 BC ) has been shot off by thousands of bullets by the Portuguese. They did NOT have the guts to shoot at the above Shiva Lingam and the face of the Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva trinity.

Below is the hacked off Shiva Lingam at Petra. The civilisation ended after this holy stone was stolen.

 Below is the Shiva lingam at Cyprus-- hacked off.
Above , the dome of the rock at Jerusalem was a PAGAN Shiva temple.
In 7000 BC India extended from Jerusalem to Urals to Vietnam. I had a Russian sailor from Urals challenging me on this.
So I asked him," What is the name of the river next to your house leading to Aral sea ?" 
He said "Khara Darya!".
So I told him to ask any Indian whom he meets next, the meaning of the two words.  
And all these ex-USSR countries like Uzbekisthan, Krygysthan and all the several STHANS are all extension states from India--Rajasthan, Pakistan, Afghanisthan, --- till Palisthan ( Palestine ).

The mighty 3 metre high Shiva Linga of Hampi 4500BC above,had to be kept immersed and quenched.in the Tungabhadra river, as it was too powerful.

The picture above shows the Somnath Shiva lingam.

The picture below shows the Shiva lingam at the amazing Kailash temple of Ellora caves. Petra was built on the same lines, gouged out of single rock. The Shiva lingam and rock carvings are 3800 years old, while the paintings are dated at 2200 years old.

The black hole beyond the event horizon is represented by
Shiva’s consort Kali.

Kali is the terrifying and ferocious form of the mother goddess. Once in a battle, Kali was so much involved in the killing spree that she got carried away and began destroying everything in sight. To stop his consort, Shiva threw himself under her feet. Shocked at this sight, Kali stuck out her tongue in astonishment, and put an end to her homicidal rampage. Hence the common image of Kali shows her in her mêlée mood, standing with one foot on Shiva's chest, with her enormous tongue stuck out.

Kali is represented with perhaps the fiercest features amongst all the world's deities. She has four arms, with a sword in one hand and the head of a demon in another. The other two hands bless her worshippers, and say, "fear not"! She has two dead heads for her earrings, a string of skulls as necklace, and a girdle made of human hands as her clothing. Her tongue protrudes from her mouth, her eyes are red, and her face and breasts are sullied with blood. She stands with one foot on the thigh, and another on the chest of her husband, Shiva.
Kali's fierce form is strewed with awesome symbols. Her black complexion symbolizes her all-embracing and transcendental nature. The Mahanirvana Tantra: "Just as everything disappears into a cosmic space time black hole, so all names and forms disappear in her". Her nudity is primeval, fundamental, and transparent like Nature — the earth, sea, and sky. Kali is free from the illusory covering, for she is beyond the all maya or "false consciousness." Kali's garland of fifty four human heads that stands for the 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet, symbolizes infinite knowledge.

Kali is so called because She devours Kala (Time) and then resumes Her own dark formlessness.

The most notable Kali temples are in Eastern India — Dakshineshwar and Kalighat in Kolkata (Calcutta) and Kamakhya in Assam, a seat of tantrik practices. Swami Vivekananda was a devotee of Kali. He loved her as he would love his mother.

"My child, you need not know much in order to please Me.
Only Love Me dearly.
Speak to me, as you would talk to your mother,
if she had taken you in her arms."
The infinite proceeds from the infinite.: Mundaka Upanisad
Although two atoms may be separated by several light years, behind their event horizon they are the same or the infinite and unchanging Spirit.
The vacuum ZPF connects all. In a space-time continuum with infinite curvature nothing is outside its influence, everything is in the same extreme curve, and thus there is only ONE.
There is only one event horizon, the perceivable world, all the matter we see around us. The event horizon of a black hole is not boundary as such.

 It is just an illusionary appearance,known in the Vedas as MAYA. Identification with Māyā bring suffering, transcendence of it ultimately leads to Liberation.
Brahma satyaṃ jagat mithyā, jīvo brahmaiva nāparah
“Brahman( Supreme ) is the only truth, the world is an illusion, and there is ultimately no difference between Brahman and individual self”

The biological cell obeys the conditions of a black hole singularity!
We are all cosmic creatures, made of trillions of mini black holes spinning at the speed of light while in continuous information transfer with the Infinite…The dynamical feed-back loop of information transfer with the vacuum potential is happening at the speed of light and it is what we experience as consciousness. Information is flowing out from the event horizon, as it simultaneously flows back into to the vacuum singularity, creating the feed-back phenomenon of self awareness.

The topology of consciousness (or space-time) is what produces the body and its electrochemical processes, not the other way around! Consciousness is not produced by the biology of brains, but is rather a quality of space itself, intrinsic to how the universe functions. We are the Universe, and this vast cosmos is our own body .
As is the macrocosm so is the microcosm. Atoms, planets and stars, everything are living expressions of the Cosmic Singularity observing its own Infinitude, and that infinite expanse is at the heart of our own Being.

The Rig Veda is 7000 years old.  All verses written in digital Sanskrit.  All ye Indians --you have been robbed of your rightful place in history.  You have been reduced to worshipping pricks and vaginas , by the Christian white man, who will never ever understand the field of consciousness.

The Sanskrit mantras above are in the DNA resonant voice of HEIN BRAAT.--a Dutchman.  His voice quality is superb and suitable for Sanskrit Mantras..

However i would suggest he re-do all his Sanskrit mantras after getting the diction all right, by listening to some Indian who sings it.

Hein Braat-- you rock !!!

By the way a deficiency in the Pineal gland causes VITILIGO-- where in your own immune system attacks you. It affects the Melanocytes of the skin.

I am not the mind, intellect, thought, ego, or a supreme being.
I myself am the joy of pure consciousness,  I am Shiva (divinity).

The pineal gland of this planet is Mount Kailash, of the Himalayas-the abode of Lord Shiva.  I dare anybody to call this the penis of the earth , and then climb this mountain.  Dont even try--there will be divine retribution.

Recently an Indian author by the name of Amish Tripathi , has been funded by Vatican and Zionist Jews to reduce GOD Shiva to be a MAN—and that too a sexual pervert, engaged in enticing young girls.

His books  Immortals of Meluha and The Secret of the Nagas is termed as a fantasy re-imagining the Indian deity Shiva's life.
I will advise atheist Tripathi NOT to play around with the faith of 1 billion Hindus,  the way a Muslim painter MF Hussain tried and failed.
Do NOT get carried away by the vested help you got from the West in marketing your bullshit books.


ಕಾಮೆಂಟ್‌‌ ಪೋಸ್ಟ್‌ ಮಾಡಿ